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--> スカルプ 雑誌 センチメンタル50%ジャーニー。

Wah-to-yah, and the Taos Trailor Prairie travel and scalp dances, with a look at Los Rancheros from Muleback and the Rocky Mountain Campfire【電子書籍】[ Lewis Hector Garrard ]


<p>Wah-to-Yah is the only well-known book written by Garrard. It has won a secure place in the literature of the American<br /> West.<br /> On 1 Sept 1846, Garrard, 17 years old, joined a caravan in Westport Landing, Missouri to travel along the Santa Fe Trail to<br /> New Mexico. He stopped off at Bent's Fort for two months and continued on to Taos with a company of Mountain Men to avenge<br /> the death of Charles Bent in the Taos Revolt. While in Taos, Garrard attended the trial of some of the Mexicans and Pueblos<br /> who had revolted against U.S. rule of New Mexico, newly captured in the Mexican?American War. Garrard wrote the only eye<br /> witness account of the trial and hanging of six convicted men.<br /> Garrard returned home after his 10-month trip and apparently never visited the West again.<br /> The book is "fresh and vigorous" and contains in its pages authentic descriptions of "the Indian, the trader, the mountain<br /> man, their dress, and behavior and speech and the country and climate they lived in." The pages of the book contain a<br /> wealth of characters, including Kit Carson, Jim Beckwourth, Ceran St. Vrain, George F. Ruxton, William Bent, and others and<br /> an "anthropologically accurate" description of the Cheyenne Indians. ?Garrard condemns the U.S. war against Mexico and<br /> hanging of the rebels in Taos as unjust.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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