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Hair and Scalp TreatmentsA Practical Guide【電子書籍】


<p>Conditions of the hair and scalp often cause significant psychological distress and sometimes physical discomfort for patients. Similarly, finding the right treatment can prove challenging for the physician. <em>Hair and Scalp Treatments -- A Practical Guide,</em> focuses on therapy with each chapter briefly describing the disease to the reader and then teaching the step-by-step therapeutic algorithm. Procedures commonly used in the treatment of alopecias are also reviewed and detailed in specific chapters.</p> <p>This book also discusses everyday questions that patients commonly ask doctors and provides practical tips such as how to recommend the best shampoo, conditioner or hair dye for your patient, or how to prescribe the right nutritional supplements. There are additional sections on future treatments on the horizon and how regenerative medicine can be used.</p> <p><em>Hair and Scalp Treatments -- A Practical Guide,</em> is the only book of its kind focused on treatment and addresses topics that are not covered by current titles on hair disorders. Written and edited by leading experts in the field, this practical guide can be used not only by dermatologists but by general practice and family physicians as well.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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